What most stood out to me from the film was that bankers and all the corrupt people responsible for this crisis knew all along that they were making wrong decisions and gambling money that wasn't theirs. Nothing stopped them, not even guilt, they still did it because it was for their own benefit.
INCENTIVES MATTER, people with wrong incentives made bad decisions and ignored the i m p a c t of their actions which lead to this C A T A $ T R O P H E. Money was everything, it was all they had in mind. It helped them escape their problems caused by the illegal activities , it became a handy weapon to manipulated people and companies to do whatever they wanted and it became the reward, millions of dollars were made by these bankers.
This documentary opened my eyes to the world, a sad truth. It made me realize that its is not all smiles and honesty there are cruel people out there how don't care about anyone but themselves. Corruption happened, and it still does, inside those expensive bank buildings. How can you be capable of harming so many families, friends and innocent citizens and be proud? It was not only a little mistake but a HUGE fiasco.
In fact it is nothing if you use or earn it in the wrong way.