"From FLIPPER'S Trainer to Dolphin Defender "
The fishermen carrying out this illegal activity in Taiji have banned filming and photography around the cove, because they know that social media is the most powerful way of showing and communicating this to the world. They know it's illegal and wrong but they still want to carry this out so they prohibit people from filming. They don't want anyone to know about what they are doing with the dolphins so no one stops them.
This documentary, The Cove, has
revealed the truth behind those "no photography or film" signs. It has given us insight into the slaughter of whales in Japan and how the government does nothing about it. It helps raise awareness so that people are moved and they make change. Ric O'Barry was the first to introduce this multi-million dollar dolphin industry.
It took him only 10 years to build it, but it has taken him 35 years to bring it down. Guilt is the greatest motivator that keeps him going and fighting to bring this down. Nothing stops him, not even jail. Japanese fishermen used to hunt down every whale that came across them; they wanted them for their meat. Once whaling became illegal and it was banned the fishermen began persecuting dolphins. To continue making money they TRIPLED the capture of dolphins. Yes, the economy grew but now dolphins were threatened. Today, dolphins are not only caught for their meat but they are caught for entertainment.
As you visit a water park or aquarium what is the first thing that you want to do? Either swim with the dolphins or go to their show. Dolphins have a high demand and this is why they are worth so much. Dolphins used for the spectacles are worth around $150,000 but their meat is also valuable. Japanese people eat dolphin and they don't even know it. Often times they change the name on the packaging so people think its whale. Is this right? NO. The fact that they change the tag is already considered a crime but the worst part is that they have no idea the amounts of mercury that a dolphin contains. Kids are born with mercury poisoning or little by little develop a disease from the mercury.
As society becomes more aware of this issue, this problem will no longer be one. People will not support it and therefore they will stop going to aquariums and purchasing the meat. Thus the
killing will stop . The Cove has really opened my eyes to this issue, and I will definitely become more aware of it. Honestly, the documentary was so heartbreaking that I think I will never go to an aquarium, especially not to see dolphins.