After identifying the problem, researching and brainstorming we had to prototype our solutions to test which were going to succeed. It is important that after brainstorming for solutions you find out a way to get your ideas out to the people so you can see how effective your solution is and how the audience reacts towards it. Today, after creating the "Cruci Break", crossword puzzle, I learned how important feedback is, not only the one you receive in order to improve quality of your product but also the one you give, it must be KIND, SPECIFIC and HELPFUL. If the feedback doesn't meet this three parts then it's not as valuable and it won't make a difference because it's not concise. Going through the prototyping process today has made me realize how important is too evaluate and receive feedback from other people. Giving feedback can be really helpful because it makes you realize that things need to be revised and improved several times before they actually work and succeed. Additionally today I was able to realize that prototyping your product before it is actually delivered to the audience is very important. Before working with Randy we had already planned to deliver the news in a 3 min video but after all the research we did we realized this was not going to work because people have different needs and preferences and we have to find a way to satisfy everyone's needs in our community by creating a product that suits what everyone likes. Finally I learned that people don't buy what you do but why you do it, therefore we have to do something cool that we like and has a purpose because if we don't like our own product and we can't connect to it no one will.