Are you scared of FAILURE? Do you always stay on your COMFORT ZONE to be safe? Do you believe that without the TALENT you can't succeed at something? Then
MINDSET is the right book for you. It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 50 it will show you that if you put your mind into it, change some habits and start growing your mindset you can achieve anything you want. No matter if you suck at it at first or if you think that is very challenging you will do it. Carol Dweck, a R E A L genius, has conducted years of research and has concluded that a humans can have two ways of thinking, growth and fixed mindsets. MINDSET teaches you that even if you don't have an innate skill with some training, dedication and effort you can develop it and succeed. For those of you who thought that you are born with certain talents and that's all you have, it will give your
IDEAS a 360 degree turn. I recommend this book to E V E R Y O N E, girls, boys, old, young, professors, students, etc. It will not only explain Dr. Dwecks findings, but it will also teach you about yourself. One of the main reasons I loved the book was because it taught me more about
myself . I've identified my areas where I have a fixed mindset and throughout the book I've been annotating and writing down ways to change and grow my mindset in those sections. I've also found the areas where I am a growth mindset and I've annotated strategies and concepts that Carol talks about to maintain them, and keep my mindset growing. Through the book I've realized how the IA, in a year, has helped me GROW my mindset. I've learned how to cope with failure. I remember how hard it was for me to accept feedback in the beginning. When I received feedback from my peers or Mr. Topf I would try to fix the mistakes. It would be so hard to accept failure and just start fresh. Today, after doing the documentary I've learned to accept my mistakes and start fresh. I don't get upset or attached to any of my first drafts because I know they can always get better. When I am not in the right track and my peers let me know I accept it and then start clean and I don't get angry or sad when I have to do redo something. I've also learned to challenge myself and see my weaknesses as a challenge and not as something negative. For example, this summer as I visited universities I've really tried to communicate more and speak up my mind. I am a little shy thus it takes me a while to feel comfortable and start talking to people I don't know. However, when I visited schools I pushed myself to ask questions and make conversations with the counselor, faculty and even the students working there. It was a HUGE challenge for me because I am not outgoing, but it was certainly a benefit since I learned a ton by communicating with them. Carol Dweck explains every concept with REAL examples of people, famous and some random individuals. These examples make the book more REAL since it makes the audience realize that people with fixed mindsets exist and it shows them how they have begun to work their way to growth mindsets. Other examples talk about leaders in very important companies that have growth mindsets so we can take them as role models. Also these examples INSPIRED me and made me realize that it's possible to change if you really work hard and it taught me the different results of the two MINDSETS. I love how genuine are the anecdotes Carol shares in her book because they are not all about successful people, she also shows people who've had struggles and succeeded and others who have failed.
If you haven't yet read this book, you must add it to you to read list. It will change the way you think, act and influence others. It will inspire you to change and change others and it will give you hope because change will and can always happen if you put the effort.