Money directly takes me into thinking about respect, status and power. Some people consider that money is everything because it defines their social status and therefore they are more respected, their wealthiness, and their happiness. Does money really have all this power by itself? or is it the importance and power given by the people? Society has made us think that people with more money are more powerful because they can obtain anything that they want. Personally I think this is not true people with money usually base their happiness around materialistic possessions instead of things that are more valuable like family and friends. Additionally when I think of money not only the powerful people and wealthy people come to mind but also those who don't have anything, and live in poverty, but still manage to live more happily than those who have more than them. People who aren't as wealthy get to experience and appreciate things that are greater and have a more important value than money like family, the environment, love, friendship, community, values and more, things that money can't buy. Even though money is important to have a stable life, good house, education and proper food, it is not everything, it is not as important as people make it seem. There are greater things that must be valued in life and can't be purchased, not even with all the money in the world.