Visions aren't found immediately, they are a hidden aspects of how a costumer thinks feels or acts towards a product. Therefore it is not created by the promotion agency, but is a truth from a consumer, meaning something that they say. To find it, companies have to interview consumers so they understand what and how they feel towards the product and the brand.
So to find an insight you have to...
Information: the most important tip that the fact gives us
Findings: interpret the information
FACT 50% of the consumers say that their favorite activity during their free time is shopping. | INFORMATION It is a source of enjoyment for whomever is shopping, purchasing. | FINDINGS People see shopping as as symbol of achievement. It's like saying "Yes I can, I got it." | INSIGHT “Buying makes me feel like a winner, going shopping is moving forward, it is daring, it I want to let myself go through life and be happy." |
When the insight is developed, we are able to awaken a feeling of the costumer with a brand and a product that appeals more to how they feel or what they want. The better the insight is developed, the more successful the product and brand will be; it gives the promotion agency a more close and detailed look of what a consumer expects of the brand and product. Therefore the agency can generate very cool promotions.
If the campaign follows the insight, it follows the needs of the costumer and therefore adds value not only to the product and brand but it adds value within the consumer. If product and brand have value, then it makes the consumer believe in it.
Make the consumers fall in love with your brand and make them unable to live without it.