Today I had my first class at el Centro de la Imagen. When I arrived I sat down in the classroom and waited until it begun. I was very intimidated because every person that walked through the door was 25+, everyone worked. In the beginning because I thought I had chosen the wrong class, maybe too advanced, everyone much older than I and had professional cameras which made me think that they were professionals. However once the class started and we introduced ourselves I realized that not one person had experience they all had bought big, professional cameras to get in the class. This was a great relief for me. I was once step ahead since I've already had experience with the camera therefore I wasn't intimidated anymore.
Once the class started we learned a little bit about the history of photography. Honestly I wasn't up for the theory behind it but it ended up beign very interesting. I had no idea photography begun with art, when painters created dark rooms with a hole for light to go through and then copy an object.
Once the class started we learned a little bit about the history of photography. Honestly I wasn't up for the theory behind it but it ended up beign very interesting. I had no idea photography begun with art, when painters created dark rooms with a hole for light to go through and then copy an object.
After learning the theory we learned the three most basic things in manual mode.
After reviewing the basics the class was almost over. We discussed the homework which was to take pictures figuring out the perfect ISO, APERTURE and SHUTTER SPEED.