Have you ever felt PRESSURED, STRESSED, DESPERATE and RUSHED when you have a deadline? For the past two weeks I have felt t h r e a t e n e d by the investment proposal and presentation d e a d l i n e s. I felt that I had so much to do and I wasn't gonna make it. After talking with Mr. Topf we agreed to change it for when we came back from the October break therefore we were gonna had two more weekends to polish and finish the project. As a group we realized that there was not enough time for all brokers to present today so one had to go tomorrow. I was ready to volunteer to go the next day, I thought that if we went tomorrow we were gonna be able to make the presentation better and finish details thus I was gonna feel more ready. However, then Mr. Topf mentioned a very important concept that is that presentations, essays and videos are projects which are never actually "DONE". After thinking about what he said I realized that it's true, there is always something that could be changed or improved. It will never be perfect. This is why it's important to set d e a d l i n e s because things are never perfect and it's irrelevant to stress out and try to make them better and better because there will always be something that could be changed. D e a d l i n e s set stop signs, they allow you to set a goal for a certain day therefore you can work very hard until that day and do the best work possible during that time you have. Also d e a d l i n e s allow you to finish projects because otherwise you would spend time improving and changing things and therefore things would never be completed. We must learn to see d e a d l i n e s as something that allows us to complete projects not as stressful and alarming days. They are important and they help us keep organized. Have you ever wonder how a bank really works? After learning about finance, the different types of investments, how to invest and how to analyze a company (stock) we got the opportunity to visit a R E A L bank. My dad works in Banco Financiero and he allowed us to come to one of his offices where we were able to experience a bank in A C T I O N ! When we got to the trading desk office there was a lot of noise. There were many people talking on the phone, to each other and voices coming from both of the TVs. Some the workers had thousands of tabs opened in their computers as they were figuring where to invest and watched the market. The environment was wild. The people in the trading desk have limited time this is because it only opens for few hours, 9:00am- 1:00pm , therefore they have to make many smart moves in shot time. As I was exposed to all this noise and active work I felt stressed, I could feel the rush and concentration in the room. I could not imagine myself working here, I usually get stressed under time pressure so I would FREAKOUT. Also multitasking is not easy for me, I need to do one thing at a time so I can do it good. Begin able to visit the trading desk allowed me to learn a lot about investment by simply watching the people work. I learned how the events happening around the world play such an important role in the market and this is why they have to keep an eye on the news.
August 2016
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