-How to manage different roles, in a project everyone needs an specific roles, too big groups unorganized
-According to the Miger Brigs we learned that companies and groups are better with a hater variety and mix of people. -Design thinking -Empathy with costumers and audience -Starting with the Why? -Creation of a project -The process to create a product -How to present a product -How to tell a company a story -How to write a proposal (media) -Marketing (market and sell yourself and a product) (fliers for TED Talk, what we post on FB, twitter account and Facebook accounts) -Collaborating with peers -Networking -How to write professional emails |
MEDIA LITERACY -How to interview
-How to incorporate a variety of media in keynote -How to understand and approach different audience through a variety of media -How to do a keynote with cool transitions and effects -How to use a DSLR camera -How to organize ourselves online -How to use media to enhance and engage your audience -How to use the light, importance of lights while pro ducting a presentation -How to use tech accessories (clicker and microphone) -How to tell a good story through media (videos, articles, twitter) -Using Premiere -Different effects in iMove -Crooping the background -Creating the Innovation Academy logo -Putting together a website -Researching about current events for articles |
HONORS -How to interview
-How to incorporate a variety of media in keynote -How to understand and approach different audience through a variety of media -How to do a keynote with cool transitions and effects -How to use a DSLR camera -How to organize ourselves online -How to use media to enhance and engage your audience -How to use the light, importance of lights while pro ducting a presentation -How to use tech accessories (clicker and microphone) -How to tell a good story through media (videos, articles, twitter) -Using Premiere -Different effects in iMove -Crooping the background -Creating the Innovation Academy logo -Putting together a website -Researching about current events for articles |